1. Segregate radioactive waste according to following categories:
· Long lived waste (half-life >120 days)
· Short lived waste (half-life <120 days)
· Long-lived mixed waste
· Short-lived mixed waste
· Sealed radioactive sources
2. Clearly label container with isotope(s) type and the estimated maximum activity (mCi)
3. Label container with “Caution, Radioactive Materials.”
4. Perform a contamination survey of the exterior of each container and record the results. Contamination levels on containers must not exceed 1000dpm/100 cm2.
5. Perform a radiation dose rate survey of the exterior surface of the waste container and record the results in the space provided on the form. If the contact dose rate exceeds 0.5mrem/hr, notify Radiation Safety of the dose rate on the container when you request a pick-up.
6. Have the waste container log available during pickup. The waste log should only be completed by, or under the supervision of, a Principal Investigator or/and an Authorized User.
7. Form fields NOT REQUIRED: Percentage.